Why choose a lamella pergola?



Because it has a patent. Not everyone is an inventor!

We are pioneers in the field of bioclimatic lamella pergolas. Our designs are registered and patented, which is your warranty for an unsurpassable quality.


Because each model is remarkable. Classical lines of our pergolas are timeless, but undoubtedly always just yours. You choose the size and the carrier structure, and you can also choose among more than 500 colours.


For 20 years we have been creating pergolas that defy the tooth of time.

Obrazec za povpraševanje ni na voljo v tem brskalniku

Obrazec za povpraševanje je zaradi varnosti na voljo le v sodobnejših brskalnikih, kot so Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox...

V kolikor nam želite poslati povpraševanje, lahko uporabite sodobnejše brskalnike in poskusite znova, oziroma nas kontaktirate direktno preko kontaktnih podatkov v nogi oziroma preko strani Stopite v stik. Z veseljem vam bomo odgovorili.

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